Our lab accepts undergraduate and master's and doctoral students.
Students who wish to study in our laboratory should be enrolled in the Social System Design Course(SSD) in the Department of Information Science and Engineering, College of Information Science and Engineering. We accept about 7 to 10 students who are in their third year.
Students wishing to join our laboratory should be enrolled in the Computer Science Course, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering. Please check the Ritsumeikan University Graduate School Entrance Examination Site. Entrance examination for current Ritsumeikan student with GPA higher than 3.0 is held in July each year and the general entrance examinations are held in August and February. Please contact the faculty member in advance, as you will be required to submit a research plan when you take the entrance examination. Especially for undergraduate students who are currently in Ritsumeikan university, please consult at the end of the 3rd year.
We also accept applications for those who are from different colleges and universitys besides the College of Information Science and Engineering and Ritsumeikan University. In addition to computer science expertise, students in our department are expected to be involved in society and field study. Applicants without computer science background should be willing to learn and apply computer science to their specialties.
If you wish to study at our laboratory, please send your motivation letter to the faculty member in advance. After that, we may conduct an interview using email or online meetings.